Thursday, August 5, 2010

Proposal: Concept 001 \\\

Topic of focus: mechanical creature whose name is "Thump". It enjoys loud electronic music, heavy bass and roaming around in search for some attention. Thump has a speaker for a heart, is a very curious creature and highly excitable.

Intention: to display affection and excitement in response to the users physical interaction
As the user becomes close to the device, Thump will travel closer towards the screen, it's speaker will begin to beat faster and the antennas will extend. As the user distances themselves from the device the beat of the speaker will slow down, Thump will wheel away further into the screen and the antennas will detract.

Rather than use a speaker to portray his emotions I have also come up with the idea of illustrating a screen on the body which displays digital facial emotions.

Production: "Thump" will be created and animated within flash and illustrator. A IR sensor will be used to detect the distance of interaction.

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