Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tutorial 004 \\\ AS3 Flash Games for Beginners

Part 02: Character Movement / Handling Multiple Keypresses / advanced

Well this part got slightly confusing, everytime I went to test the movie all my objects would appear and weren't interactive. I found the problem as I had placed my basic1.fla within the asgamer folder rather than sharing it with com folder.

Rather than straight copy and paste all the code from asgamer I thought it would be good practice to follow along and write the code which also led to a better understanding of what was going on although there is still a fair bit of code in there that I'm having trouble understanding.

The only other problems that I came across were slight spelling mistakes and forgetting to set a letter to uppercase etc. In the end I got it working and have a fair understanding of what is going on in the code.

Below is a small video of my ship in action.

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