Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tutorial 004 \\\ AS3 Flash Games for Beginners

Part 02: Character Movement / Handling Multiple Keypresses / advanced

Well this part got slightly confusing, everytime I went to test the movie all my objects would appear and weren't interactive. I found the problem as I had placed my basic1.fla within the asgamer folder rather than sharing it with com folder.

Rather than straight copy and paste all the code from asgamer I thought it would be good practice to follow along and write the code which also led to a better understanding of what was going on although there is still a fair bit of code in there that I'm having trouble understanding.

The only other problems that I came across were slight spelling mistakes and forgetting to set a letter to uppercase etc. In the end I got it working and have a fair understanding of what is going on in the code.

Below is a small video of my ship in action.

Tutorial 003 \\\ AS3 Flash Games for Beginners

Part 01: Adding Library Objects to Stage with AS3 @

So i've completed my first action script tutorial part_one from scratch. Certain aspects such as the layout of the script was slightly confusing but I think of got the hang of it now.

I created my own version of the spaceship based on the military stealth fighter jet and background colour described in the tutorial as seen above. Linking the scene and movieClips to Actionscript classes seemed fairly straight forward and I was able to add another ship and background as classes without any hiccups!

Its now time to get this a little more interactive . . . . .

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mindkits - Physical Computing Kit has arrived

My seeduino kit has arrived from, confused to as what each component was I created the above diagram so I could easily record and distinguish each individual component.

Tutorial 002 \\\ Designing and animating characters in flash

Part 2 : 2.5D animation with Chris Georgenes @

Tutorial 001 \\\ Designing and animating characters in Flash

Part 1 : Drawing tools and symbols with Chris Georgenes @

So this is the first tutorial with flash, it went pretty well with no problems.
I traced over Chris's original sketch with my wacom tablet along with the brush tool rather than using shapes as he mentioned in the tutorial. This way I could get a sketchier cartoon look.

Basically I only made some slight changes to the character such as larger eyes, different color scheme etc as I was only following the tutorial step by step. This tutorial was very beneficial as it taught me some basic file management in flash, converting each character part to symbols and being able to distribute the symbols as individual layers.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 01

During the first week we have be given a brief overview of the Dmdn 312 course and an introduction into Project_001 - Bio-luminescence (4 weeks 11th August). So far it seems quite exciting and i'm looking forward to getting back into Flash as it's been a year or so since i've opened the application. Also working with the Arduino and flash together should be a nice challenge!

We were also shown some very nice inspirational work including Tardigotchi which I loved the simplicity of the video, metahuman, a piece of work by Petit ma and various experimental art works by Doug Easterly.

As i'm Feeling a little bit rusty with Flash I think i'll start with some very basic tutorials which i'll document as I go to get back into the flow of things.

Big ups to our tutor Rohan Hill for his tech tutorial on the basics of soldering, I thought I had it covered but he demonstrated some nice techniques which will make life a whole lot easier later on.

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Welcome to my Dmdn 312 - Interactive Design Journal

This course analyzes the ways that biological, mechanical and electronic apparatus's negotiate communication to and through one another, from a design perspective.


I will be building designs that conciliate on these topics through physical computing, flash and dynamic web systems.

This blog will act as my online journal where all progress, research and comments towards this course will be recorded.