Thursday, September 30, 2010

ProJect 002 +++ Tree Sketches

Font sizeHere are a few initial tree sketches to place on the island from cactus through to dead trees.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

ProJect 002 +++ Creature concept

ProJect 002 +++ Island layout

ProJect 002 +++ Job role


3D terrain and trees

ProJect 002 +++ Idea development

After forming our group and having a talk about the initial concept i've come up with a few new developments which we will work upon.

- Firstly is giving the whole project an isometric look which gives the illusion of 3d.

"Isometric projection (or "isometric perspective"), a method for the visual representation of three-dimensional objects in two dimensions; a form of orthographic projection, or more specifically, an axonometric projection." Wikipedia

A great example is this site where users can view twitter messages in a unique way. See below.

- Secondly we would like the character to evolve into three different variations within each island zone. For example the creature would cross over from the desert into the forest and would grow some branches from its head or even scales. This would give the game more personality and difference.

- The idea of collecting small items around the island to encourage the user to explore the surrounding and reach some sort of milestone.

- An external LED seen only by the user will brighten as the creature comes to an item of interest and dims as it moves further away. Gives the user a form of physical awareness rather than simply virtual.

ProJect 002 +++ Katravah

Island life

Initial Concept

Group 1: Luke, Abbey, Matthew.